I love coffee more than most people love their spouses. I love coffee with a fiery intensity that people usually reserve for illicit affairs and untouchable celebrities. I crave coffee more than food and I drink more than three times the daily recommended amount. I'm surprised my heart hasn't exploded from either caffeine poisoning or undying coffee devotion.
I've worked at the two largest coffeeshop chains in the country and if I could make a decent living making espresso drinks for the rest of my life, I'd do it. If I had the money to startup a coffee business, I would devote every waking hour to making a business that looked at coffee with the same kind of excitement and intensity that I elicit for my daily pot o' joe. Wow, maybe I need to relax a little.
I hope to add to my coffee dossier with each passing cup and eventually, maybe I can incorporate my fanaticism into more than just a hobby or a pretty intense addiction.
Some of Jessica's favorite coffees (in no particular order):
- Caribou Coffee's La Minita Peaberry
- Eight O'Clock Coffee's Original (if it's good enough for nanas and paps, it's good enough for me. Being a coffee enthusiast is different than being a coffee snob).
- Fortunes Ethiopian Yirgacheffe (a local coffee roaster).
I'm almost finished with my first pot of the day and then I'm off again for another coffee-tasting adventure!

Mrs. Bean and Ms. Leaf walk into a Sephora...