That, and Alka-Seltzer.
I haven't taken Alka Seltzer much in the past, because it was (and probably is) bad for people with asthma. My mother didn't want to take any chances, so I never took it as a child. Now that I'm an adult that has tried every over-the-counter cold/sinus/cough medicine, I'm willing to throw caution to the wind and try things that might harm me. I'm so glad I did. This magical medicine has really brought me out of a crappy cold and made me a functional human being again, albeit with a stuffy nose and a general fatigue. Instead of being a blithering whine-pot, I'm actually able to lift myself off of the couch and get my own damn soup (that is, after my parents brought it over and my mother put it in a bowl).
I also found this really amazing Alka-Seltzer Christmas ad via It's as if everything that I love in my life at this moment in time has been put into one advertisement. Except Dustin. Maybe I could superimpose him here. Maybe my friend Laura/Vanessa can help me out with that.
There's also a jingle. OMG! I think after viewing this, I may have made a miraculous recovery. What a relief it is!

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