4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
Probably. I feel that a lot of the time human beings are constantly weaving a web of could'ves, would'ves and should'ves while they waste their lives pushing around money from one wallet to the next. It's a world that they've created for themselves and they've no one but themselves to blame. Dustin and I often speak of the ability to completely leave the binds of modern society, but really there's no conceivable way. I enjoy running water and shampoo...a lot. It is my fondest wish that I find a way to strike the balance and live a life that makes me feel proud and useful.
5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
That's easy. I would completely eradicate material wealth and paper currency and return the world to a complete barter system for goods and services. Why? Because people would have to be completely reliant upon their own talent and work ethic. Instead of 80% of graduating high school students hiding out in college for four years to eventually be given a job by their rich uncle's business associate, they'll enter an apprenticeship program and learn a trade that will enable them to contribute to a society that does more than sit on their ass and hold up the walls of a cubicle.
6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
Man, I wish I knew. I feel like I've spent my whole life trying to figure out the answer to this question. When I was six or seven, my grandmother, Beverly, gave me a scrapbook that chronicled every year of my schooling. It included a place to put your photograph, a pocket for special keepsakes and a list of questions that repeated every year. One of the questions was the basic, "What do you want to be when you grow up." When I was much older and I read the things that I had written through the years, I saw that every year I changed my career: a doctor, a ballerina (this is especially amusing), a writer, a United Nations delegate. All of these things sounded just swell at the time, but where really nothing more than a passing whim. Even now, the list of things that could possibly be my life's work is much longer than it probably should be...even though now this list is wrought with practicality.
I went to yet another job interview and right in the middle of it, I had a realization that I actually shared with my potential employer. There are so many people that spend their lives doing something just to make money to pay for things. They spend the better part of their lives doing things that they don't especially like in order to pay for the things that they like in the lesser part of their lives. If everyone just liked what they did from the start, they wouldn't need to count down the days until their next vacation or save up their money to put in an in-ground swimming pool for their ritalin addicted children that have a better relationship with the people that run their $800 per month daycare than their own parents. Well, luckily I didn't say all of that, just the good bits about loving what you do. Also, right in the middle of the interview, I came to the realization that if it takes me longer to find what I'm to do with my life...then that's alright, too. Why am I applying a clock to my life? It's society that puts time limits on the milestones in our lives, not our biology (except for of course the time limit to bear children, but that's not even close to what I'm talking about). Even if I don't get this position, what I've gained from that time really cannot be measured by a salary.

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