As their name indicates, ATC are collectibles, a brilliant idea born of the older sports-themed trading cards. The one rule that makes an ATC derives from this: the dimensions of the ATC must be 2.5"x3.5", or 64x89mm.
To this rule are appended a couple of conventions. First, an ATC mustn't be sold, only exchanged, as the whole essence of these tiny works of art is about artists meeting (by correspondence or online if need be) and exchanging their works, thus meeting many artists and getting exposed to many personal styles.
I've made a few Christmas-themed cards that have met with good reviews from their recipients on Swap-Bot. I've also joined a swap entitled Googly Eyed ATC with the basic idea of creating an ATC incorporating at least one googly eye. I made my card today and I actually really want to keep it.
I have a really hard time parting with things that I really enjoy, even if they are a product that is specifically designed to be traded. On the reverse, I have to wonder what good it would do with not being traded? Why not share something that I really enjoy...with someone else? With these photos, though, I can always look at my glorious creation with fond memories.
This is a new feeling, too, to really have pride for something that I've created. It's been quite a period of emotional revelation.

I was in this swap too - yours is adorbz!