There are two songs that really stand out for me (and probably the two songs that won't be released as singles). First, "Government Hooker."
This song wins for me not only on wack-a-doodle merit, but also because I really enjoy the overuse of the word "Hooker." I'm also digging the double entendre of the lyric, "Put your hands on me/John F. Kennedy/I'll make you squeal baby/As long as you pay me." I feel like Gaga's ability to make my enjoy really slutty lyrics is quite a talent, because Wiz Khalifa tried it and failed miserably. Even though this song is kind of misogynistic, much like Prince's "Pussy Control," it gives the character power through sexuality. I can dig it. If women are going to be objectified (we can't seem to stop that moving train), then why not give them the power to do something with that?
My favorite song on this album is, "Electric Chapel." This mash-up of butt rock, synth pop and euro pop is completely intoxicating. I was disappointed to find that as Gaga has started performing these songs in them media that she's picked the much-less engaging (and, actually, totally crappy) "You and I," instead of this song. While Hooker couldn't necessarily be a mainstream radio song, "Chapel," totally could.
I love the guitar riffs interchanged with the really soft vocal and I love the call to action in the lyrics:
Follow me
Don’t be such a holy fool
Follow me
I need something more from you
It’s not about sex or Champagne
You holy fool
If you want me
Meet me at Electric Chapel
If you want me
Meet me at Electric Chapel
If you wanna steal my heart away
Meet me, meet me baby in a safe place
Come on meet me
In Electric Chapel
Don’t be such a holy fool
Follow me
I need something more from you
It’s not about sex or Champagne
You holy fool
If you want me
Meet me at Electric Chapel
If you want me
Meet me at Electric Chapel
If you wanna steal my heart away
Meet me, meet me baby in a safe place
Come on meet me
In Electric Chapel
I enjoy this song even more than the singles from the first album, but I know that this could never be a debut hit from an emerging artist that fancies herself the Mother to a hoard of, "Little Monsters." Songs like, "Pokerface," and "Bad Romance," (even though I liked "Paparazzi," "Telephone," and "Alejandro," more than the latter) are the kind of songs that make fans, but I really feel like songs like Hooker and Chapel are the songs that sustain those fans that will mature along with the music. The ones that don't aren't fans of the artists but rather fans of the fad.
I have to give a shout out (that's right a shout out) to the song, "Heavy Metal Lover," too. Another song with filthy lyrics that I love (although it looks like this video has some images from "Telephone," etc.).
I want your whiskey mouth all over my blond south
Red wine, cheap perfume and a filthy shout
Tonight bring all your friends because a group does it better
Why river with a pair, let's have a full house of leather.
Even Gaga knows how much I enjoy the Leather Daddies. Ha!

You may be interested to know that I've heard Government Hooker on the radio on more than one occasion...both times, oddly enough, I was only listening to those radio stations because I was in the country on a road trip and it's all that came in in Jesus country. How odd is that?
I've often wondered what makes a song contentious for radio play - because a good song is a good song, and while there is a complete oversaturation of shit on the radio that is, in my opinion, only popular because of it's vulgarity (Buckcherry "Crazy Bitch"), there have been other good yet equally ribaldrous songs that have gained a lot of air play with seemingly little confrontation (NIN "Closer"), while other seemingly less controversial songs are met with a strong resistance from radio (Rihanna "S&M"). But I guess if Lady Gaga can get Lady Jessica into some dirty, filthy lyrics, I suppose I could come around to her.