This is my last political post. I mean it. This is it. I've bordered on the edge of a liberal-leaning moderate making snide jokes about how
Mrs. Mitt Romney (she doesn't need a name. I mean, hell, she doesn't even need
the right to decide what she wants to do with her body) hasn't worked a day in
her life and Mitt Romney wouldn't know a middle-class person if they came up and
smacked him in the face (which I would be willing to do, repeatedly). I've openly admitted that I’m disappointed in the President that filled the country
with hyperbole about change and patriotism and fairness but really failed to
incite the change in the governing body of the people that elected him. I’m
tired of living in a country that can’t get over the fact that our President is
black, and I’m ashamed to admit that it took a very real and very blatant act
of racism for me to believe it. I’m tired of middle-class white people thinking
that their only hope is the tea party, when they don’t even come close to
realizing what their platform means for someone that lives exactly like they
do. I’m tired of a bi-partisan system being the status-quo because everyone is
too stupid, too afraid or too apathetic to really care about the people that
are being paid to represent us while we slave away at meaningless jobs and pay
taxes that manage their pension funds and tax breaks for the one-percent of the
population that can afford it. I’m ashamed that I fall into that apathetic
I’m terrified that tomorrow could be the beginning of four
years of what is already an insurmountable national debt being that much harder
to pay off. That forty-seven percent of the population will be treated like
scum: Granddads that need Medicare or
single mothers that need daycare assistance to work and go to school to better
their lives. I’m terrified that the next four years will be exactly like the
last that were full of snide bickering, racism and personal attacks. I’m afraid
that American Conservatives are blaming American Liberals when the real blame
is on the hundreds of men and women that refuse to comprise to make this
country whole. Unity has no room for partisan politics, so I’m confused as why
we are all so willing to put up with it?
Mostly, I’m afraid of voting Americans. I’m afraid that they
vote without their heads. They vote for themselves and not for America as a
nation. They vote thinking that they live in the greatest country in the world
(in what category, I have no idea), but they vote for people that want to cut
funding for Public Broadcasting and Education.
If you lived in the one-man country of “Peter Smith,” or” John Van Dyke,”
or, “ Amy Schneider,” voting for your
agenda and your religion and your pocketbook would be a worthy vote, but we don’t.
We are the United States of America and with that comes the great
responsibility to vote for those people that are United under one flag. People that
should be allowed to love and marry who they choose, should be able to make
choices about their reproductive health and should be able to reach out for
help when they need it, without fear of repercussion.
When you’re voting tomorrow, you’re casting a vote for
yourself, but you’re also casting a vote that affects every single person that you've ever locked eyes with on the street, every person that you've ever stood
next to in an elevator, every child that will be forced to live with the choices
that we have made as adults in 2012. Many people talk about how this is a right
as a legal American citizen (and thusly want to remove this right from those
that may not have the appropriate paperwork, but contribute to this country
with the same ferocity as any other citizen). Many people talk about how it is
a privilege to vote. I feel tremendous burden of this vote. The importance
weighs on me greatly and pushes the apathy to the breaking-point of Patriotism,
of connectedness to my fellow Americans, to pride. That is probably the most
terrifying feeling of all. The transformation to someone that cares. God, I
hope you can feel it, too.

Great post, but I'm too cynical to believe that the bulk of the nation cares about anyone other than the great "me". Fingers crossed that we're not working until 100 -- and stripped of rights.