
Monday, May 9, 2011

Alka-Seltzer Time

I'm not the best sick person ever. When I have a cold, there are at least few hours where I'm utterly useless and unable to do anything but moan incoherently like a mental patient. I've been hanging out with a cold since yesterday...on what has probably been the nicest day of the year so far. Just fantastic. I stared out the screen door longingly from my spot on the couch with my only consolation being Lister, Rimmer, Cat and the rest of the cast of "Red Dwarf." There's something about Sci-Fi comedies that really bring me out of my maladies.

That, and Alka-Seltzer.

I haven't taken Alka Seltzer much in the past, because it was (and probably is) bad for people with asthma. My mother didn't want to take any chances, so I never took it as a child. Now that I'm an adult that has tried every over-the-counter cold/sinus/cough medicine, I'm willing to throw caution to the wind and try things that might harm me. I'm so glad I did. This magical medicine has really brought me out of a crappy cold and made me a functional human being again, albeit with a stuffy nose and a general fatigue. Instead of being a blithering whine-pot, I'm actually able to lift myself off of the couch and get my own damn soup (that is, after my parents brought it over and my mother put it in a bowl).

Alka-Seltzer also has a bevy are really awesome vintage ads and advertising icons, including a little character named Speedy who wears a tablet for a hat, heh. Who doesn't love that?

I also found this really amazing Alka-Seltzer Christmas ad via It's as if everything that I love in my life at this moment in time has been put into one advertisement. Except Dustin. Maybe I could superimpose him here. Maybe my friend Laura/Vanessa can help me out with that.

There's also a jingle. OMG! I think after viewing this, I may have made a miraculous recovery. What a relief it is!

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