So I finally got around to taking photos of the rest of the flowers that I planted. The original photos showed some of the Coleus and Zinnias and I've filled in the blanks with white Impatiens. My mother used to plant this shade-loving plant in the darkest corners of our property, but I was surprised to see that they actually don't mind partial sun (like, less than four hours). When I purchased them, they were half-dead and had barely any blooms, but in the containers, they've really taken off! They've also complimented the primary Zinnias really nicely, and they're full of buds and new blooms. Yay! The Coleus seem to be filling out the containers crazy-well, and I've even had to prune back in order for the Zinnias to share in the sunlight! Coleus are so hardy and provide such a wonderful result without a lot of fuss, that it's no wonder that there were so many different kinds at the conservatory when Dana and I visited.
One of my favorite Zinnias has to be this bloom that probably has some kind of disease, but I love how unique it looks! Just like any feel-good movie, I'm accepting its differences and learning to love.
When she passed away, my parents and my gram's niece took her cats. Since then, all have passed away, with the last one unexpectedly departing the day before yesterday. It's kind of a sad chapter to be completed in our lives, but I'm sure that they're happily reunited somewhere in the cosmos.
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